

The front room of an Egyptian home usually contained
an area for devotions, especially to the kas of the ancestors of the family. We pause
here, for a moment, to remember with gratitiude those who have come and gone before us, leaving a legacy that allows us to
maintain the human race in a rich condition.
Hermopolitan alchemists explore the hidden universes via four
The Chantry The Library The Labyrinth The Abyss
The chapel of the ka, a more formal monumental
space where the cult of the ancestors was carried on, was a place where people could seek the guidance of the spirits of those
who had gone before. Before approaching the holy texts, it was first necessary for the devotee to achieve the proper state
of mind.
Imagine, for a moment, where your soul has been, in the past. Imagine in what condition it is in now. Imagine
in what realms it may wish to find itself, in the future. Have you paid heed to the voices of the dead and of their valuable
experience? Have you listened well to the higher knowledge that is the gift that your ba offers to you?

